What is the baggage policy for Qatar Airways flights?
  • August 15th 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

What is the baggage policy for Qatar Airways flights?

Before you start a journey with Qatar Airways, there are some things about which you should be informed properly so you do not have to face any inconveniences at the time of the check-in process. You should have all the documents, know about the policies of the airline, and the most important thing is to know about the baggage allowance with the airline. If you are not aware of the restrictions the airline has imposed on the baggage, then you might end up trapped in trouble and your luggage will be rejected at the time of check-in. You should go through the baggage policy, procedures, and the charges you have to pay for the bags so you can easily avoid the troubles that may come your way. Let us inform you accurately about the baggage allowance with Qatar Airways. 

Before you start the journey with Qatar Airways, you should know everything about the baggage allowance. We are going to discuss all the terms and conditions of the baggage policy to enlighten you accurately so you do not face any inconveniences at the time of departure. The policy is divided into four parts for your convenience:

  • Checked Luggage: These bags will be transported by the airline so make sure that these bags should carry things that will not be needed during the flight. Other guidelines are mentioned below: 
    • The checked bag weight ranges from 20kg to 35 kg depending on the class and fare type you have chosen. 
    • A maximum of two pieces of bags are allowed to be brought to the flight. 
    • Make sure a single piece of bag should not weigh more than 32 kg. 
    • The bags should be in good condition, as damaged or badly tied bags will not be allowed.
  • Carry-on: This bag will be permitted to bring on the flight, and you should keep all the things in this bag that will be required during the flight journey: 
    • The weight of the carry-on bag should not be more than 15 kg. 
    • Only two pieces of carry-on bags will be permitted to bring to the flight. 
    • The dimensions the airline has given for the carry-on bags are 50 × 37 × 25 cm, and the bag should not be more than this. 
    • These bags need to be placed in the overhead cabin on the flight. 
  • Personal Items: With carry-on bags, you will be allowed to bring one personal item, and it could be anything under the guidelines of the airline. We have listed these items below:
    • Backpacks, purses, handbags, laptops, books, cameras, and binoculars are the materials that will be considered as personal items. 
    • Guitar, violin, or any other small musical instrument will be allowed to bring. 
    • Baby stroller, cot, chair, etc., can be considered as personal item that will be brought to the flight journey. 

Is Qatar strict with baggage weight?

The airline is strict with the baggage weight, especially with the carry-on. If you do not follow the restrictions imposed by them, then either you have to pay the extra baggage fee or you will not be allowed to check-in to the flight. The airline has overhead cabins for the bags you bring to the flight; if you do not follow the weight and size restrictions, the bags will not fit into these cabins, which will eventually create trouble. 

How much does 1 kg of excess baggage cost?

When you are traveling with Qatar Airways and preparing your bags for the journey, then make sure you do not cross the limits set by the airline in their policy. If you bring extra baggage then you have to pay a fee for each bag. The cost you have to pay for each extra bag is $12 on