What are the dining options available on British Airways flights?
  • August 21st 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

British Airways has a range of food options on board. 

British Airways, being one of the major flying carriers in the United Kingdom, bestows its passengers with a range of first-class services and facilities; thus, it is an award-winning airline and is certified with a four-star rating. For the travel you have booked with the airline, there are multiple food and drink options available on board. For detailed information about the same, read through the given article and find all the required details and bumps so that you won't starve on the flight or land disgusted. 

Food Options available on British Airways. 

British Airways ensures that it serves its customers the best, and thus, there are various options as they provide the same. If you possess any allergies or any specific requirement, then you must be informed to the airline beforehand while booking the meal or when the food is being served. The details of the types of meals and their respective detailed food information are given below. The details are as follows: 

  • Vegetarian Meal:- A Vegetarian meal does not contain meat and fish. However, there can be diary products on the serve, like milk and cheese. Eggs can also be available. 
  • Vegan:- Vegan Meal on Britsh Airways is an entirely dish devoid of diary, eggs, honey, and other animal ingredients. Derivatives from animal products, such as gelatin from cows etc., are not included. 
  • Hindu-Vegetarian:- There may be diary products in this meal, but there is no meat, fish, or eggs. It has a hint of mild Indian subcontinent spices. 
  • Hindu- Non Vegetarian:- This dish includes lamb, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. It is additionally flavored with mild Indian sb-continental spices and has no beef, pork, or any other forms. 
  • Halal- This preparation of food compiles with halal meat, this moreover excludes alcohol and pork. 
  • Jain Meal- The vegan dish applicable for the ones who practice Jaininsm can choose the same. It is additionally devoid of root vegetables, like potatoes, radish, garlic, etc. 
  • Kosher Meal- British Airways ensures the meal is in compliance with Jewish dietary requirements. It doesn't have any pork, or related products. Not on all travel routes, a Kosher can be available, you can thus choose an alternate for the same. 
  • Baby Food- If you are traveling with your baby, you can sit relaxed as we also have food for your kids, as you curate, such as bottled food with warming facilities of instant milk and food. They can also provide sterilized water on-board, which you can use to clean the baby bottles. 

Do you get free meals on British Airways?

Upon selecting a standard meal with British Airways, you can easily avail yourself of their free meals and can get help with a variety of options as well. However, this free meal is available only with certain limitations. The booking fare rules must be eligible for the same so that you can get through to avail of the same and be benefit of their free meals. 

Does British Airways charge for meals?

Yes, if you are flying with British Airways, you are supposed to pay for the same. A meal to be chosen on British Airways can be easily booked by skimming through their options, looking forward to paying for it and getting the food on board. Meals can be ordered online by passengers up to 24 hours prior to the airlines' departure time. With a few long-haul trips, First class bookings, Club World, World Traveller Plus, and World Traveller cabin passengers, meals can be rebooked in advance for the flight. You can get the flights booked for the trip from the available onboard menu given in the manage booking option of British Airlines.