If you mistakenly mentioned your date of birth while entering your details to reserve your flight ticket with Ryanair, you can proceed to change a passenger's date of birth on Ryanair. Hence, there are multiple ways through which you can proceed to make the modification; among the respective modes, you can pick any of your preferred modes from the following and proceed to make the modifications to your date of birth. To learn about the following modes and methods, bring your focus to the points mentioned below and proceed accordingly.
Method 1.
Proceed to modify your date of birth on Ryanair; you can further modify it through the airline's official website. There, you can mention all the necessary details as per the requirement, and the agent will make the changes accordingly. To make online changes, bring your focus to the points mentioned below and proceed accordingly.
Method 2.
During the process of making the modification to the passenger's date of birth on Ryanair, if you are experiencing any issues with the website. You can further proceed to make the changes over the phone. There, you can speak stright to the live person and request the agent change the date of birth. The agent on the call will get back to you immediately and assist you further. Bring your focus on the points below and proceed accordingly.
Method 3.
You can also modify your date of birth by heading to the airport and speaking to a live Ryanair Airlines representative. Request the live person to change your date of birth and provide valid documents instead. The agent will make the modification shortly and update your details accordingly.
Before proceeding to modify the passenger's date of birth, you need to go through the Ryanair policy for changing the date of birth and then proceed accordingly. To obtain information about the following, focus on the points mentioned below and proceed accordingly.