How to book flights for a big group?
  • July 18th 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How to book flights for a big group?

Most airlines enable travelers to reach their destinations as a group. There are many times when travelers either wish to travel to a specific destination with their family sports team or for a business meeting with colleagues. They can secure their seats all together at discounted fares. Though most airlines require travelers to make a group quote to initialize the process, travelers are expected to fill out the online form. If their bid is accepted, they are required to provide all the details of group travelers and make payment.

  • Go to the official website of the airlines you wish to make a group reservation from.
  • Next, you must head to the group travel section.
  • Click on the online form link and fill out the form carefully.
  • Special requirements can be filled out in a message space.
  • Recheck the group form and press the submit button.
  • If your bid is accepted, then provide all traveler's details and make the payment to complete the process.

Important policies for group travelers:

No matter through which airline travelers decide to travel as a group, there are some important policies that must be followed by travelers in every condition. If you have decided to board fight as a group and you are wondering bout th general terms and conditions, then you are supposed to refer to the crucial ones mentioned below:

  • Most airlines only qualify 10 passengers or more as a group.
  • Travelers must make sure to specify the number of travelers when making an initial quotation.
  • Travelers who are taking infants on a lap on a flight must note that their kids will not be considered members of a group.
  • Though most airlines allot seats to group travelers near each other if they still have specific conditions, they can request in advance.
  • Travelers must be aware that group requests will not be accepted 72-86 hours before flight departure.

Benefits of making group reservations:

There are various perks to which group travelers are entitled to. If you are not sure about the benefits associated with group bookings, then you must refer to the following important ones:

  • Each member of a group is liable for getting the same fare.
  • These travelers have the option to checkin and go through security checks on a priority basis.
  • Usually, groups are assisted by a group representtaive. He will guide the passengers at the airport as well as during the trip.
  • These travelers have the flexibility to make changes to their tickets until they are issued by the airlines.
  • More travelers can be added to a booking if there is availability of seats.
  • Group travelers can add additional luggae to their destinations.
  • It is better to book tickets for a group as compared to making several individual bookings.

Is it cheaper to book a flight as a group?

Making a group reservation does not necessarily mean getting the best flight deals. Though there are some airlines that provides discounted rates to group travelers it is not always the case.  There are many travelers who have doubts that they are liable for getting discounts if they make group reservations. They must carefully note that group travelers do not always have the right to get a discount. They surely have the option to get the same fare for every member of a group.

Do large groups get discounts on flights?

Yes, there are chances where large groups can expect a discount on flights. There are numerous air carriers that offer discounted rates to group travelers. Also, whenever seats remain vacant, they are given cheaper flight rates to their destinations. However, this is not always the case, and it completely depends upon the airline, time of travel, and selected destination.

Why is group booking more expensive?

Flight rates are usually expensive to certain destinations, and during peak season; therefore, airlines always increase flight fares for group travelers during that time. For instance, tickets that might be available for $50 will be provided to group travelers at $80 as the possilties for an increase in flight fares at the last moment might be higher at the last moment.

Conclusion: Referring to all the information given in the above section, your doubt, "Is it cheaper to book a flight as a group?" must be clarified. Travelers who are having any other doubts can connect with customer services to gather all the information.