How many months pregnant can you fly internationally?
  • June 25th 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How many months pregnant can you fly internationally?

Several women travel internationally during pregnancy, and most airlines allow them to. However, certain instructions must be followed by a pregnant woman, including pregnancy months. The allowance for a pregnant woman is 36 weeks, and the woman is not dealing with any pregnancy problems or disease. Still, to travel internationally, the pregnant woman must take a suggestion from the physician as traveling during pregnancy sometimes becomes tough due to delay, improper rest, jet lag, etc. 

How many months pregnant can you fly abroad?

The easiest time to travel abroad during pregnancy is in the middle weeks or between 04 and 06 months, as in the middle of the weeks, your mind is prepared for pregnancy. You must avoid traveling during the early stage, like in the first 12 weeks and the final months, as you will feel tired, and there are few chances of miscarriage. But before the flight, you must go to the physician for the check-up and also provide them with information about the duration of the flight, travel dates, etc. If you want any assistance in your bookings for pregnancy, you will need to add it before the departure date.

Can I travel after 4 months of pregnancy?

Yes, you can travel in 04 months of pregnancy, but only if you are physically fit. you need to remember that traveling is only good for you till 06 months of pregnancy; after that, you must avoid traveling on the long route as it is not safe for your health. While traveling on a flight, there are certain precautions that you will need to follow to make the journey more convenient, but in case you do not have information about those precautions, then go through them below.

  • You need to select the aisle seat or extra legroom seat so that you can stretch your legs properly.
  • Always wear a seatbelt when you are seated, as it will protect you and your unborn during any issue.
  • Do not eat fast or heavy food; try to eat more fruits and drink more water, as it will make your travel more convenient.
  • Try to move your calf muscles as it will help you to circulate the blood properly.

What are the rules for flying while pregnant? 

While traveling with the airlines, there are certain rules and regulations that every pregnant woman needs to follow, and having the information about them before the departure date is essential to make the travel more convenient and economical. If you do not have information about them, you will need to go through below. 

  • Most airlines only allow women under 36 weeks of pregnancy; after that time, they only allow them on shorter routes or in emergencies.
  • You will need to show genuine health-related documents and a doctor's travel allowance. The documents must be presented at the time of booking and check-in. 
  • The medical certificate must be issued before 72 hours of the departure of the flight.
  • The pregnant woman does not have any complications or any medical issues, and if they want to add any kind of assistance during the journey, then they will need to request 48 hours before the departure. 
  • If you are traveling internationally, you will need to present the vaccination certificate and mandatory documents at the airport.

Can a pregnant woman go through airport scanners?

Yes, pregnant women go through airport security scanners, as it does not impose any risk to the passenger or unborn child. Generally, all the security equipment available at the airport is safe and does not involve hazardous radiation. So, if you are a pregnant passenger or if you are traveling with one, then you do not have to worry about exposure during the security scanner. 

How do I add special assistance in bookings for pregnant women?

There are different options available for adding special assistance for pregnant women, but the most convenient medium is the airline's official website. If you do not have information about the process, then you will need to go through the below. 

  • Search for the airline's official website. 
  • Then, must tap over the manage booking option and fill out the last name with the PNR number.
  • Following that, you will need to choose the option add special assistance and then provide the details of assistance.
  • Next, you must save the details and if there are any charges then pay them.